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About Me

My name is Chet, I am a first year architecture student who is particularly interested in the ways in which people interact with architecture and what spaces are required to accommodate that interaction. Because of this within Rework the Library I am particularly interested in investigating what people desire in a modern day library and the way in which the public interacts with library spaces. An example of the interaction I am interested in is whether the modern library requires private reading and studying locations or if people desire greater collaborative spaces. This interest also links to programming and how the layout of the building could positively or negatively impact the environment within the library. I am also quite interested in architectural history and thus looking at the Library and its development throughout its existence and the ways in which others have reworked the State library.

Outside of Architecture I love to go out to things like the football, and I am a passionate St Kilda Saints fan- looks like we might be in for a good year! Knowing the saints we probably aren’t.

I also love going to see live music. I love the grubby and gritty elegance of some of Melbourne’s key live music venues such as the Forum and the Corner Hotel. Some of my favourite bands are The Grogans, Hockey Dad and Drunk Mums.

During the Covid lockdown I have become an avid home bartender, making cocktails for my family on the weekend.

I also enjoy travelling when I get the chance so I can see diverse places and also the differing architectural styles unique to certain areas.

About Me: About Me
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